Friday, September 16, 2011

Hmmmm.... What's new?

Well, we're on the countdown towards Canyon's 4th birthday... which means that everything we see in the store, on commercials, driving down the road becomes a "Birthday" request. Just today Canyon saw our rental car (from 3 months ago) driving down the road and said "Mom!! That's the car we drove in California! I want that car for my birthday! I don't want this car anymore." I reminded him that we had a very nice car and he needed to be grateful for it- he didn't have much of a response. And then we have Crue, who follows his brother's example explicitly. He'll get those little hands on something in the store and I'll tell him to put it back. Each time he responds with one of two questions "I kiss it?" after which he gives it a good smootch and then sets it down or "I get this for my birthday!" Too funny!! Aunt Kelly asked Can what he wanted for his birthday today and he responded "A dery dery dery dery dery dery big jet plane." Hmmm... what am I supposed to do with that? And why can't my little man pronounce his "V" sound?? I guess I should just appreciate the fact that he has recently begun to say his name correctly. It's no longer "Tanyon" hooray!!! It was always amusing to me which words he
could pronounce correctly and which words he couldn't.

Can-can, you are loving preschool! Apparently you have a little girl at school who is quite taken with you- not that I can blame her. Her name is Trillie and when I asked you about her you told me she wanted your phone number, but you told her "No, it's my phone number. You can't have it." You told me how you were playing on the pirate ship at recess and she "coupled" you. I wasn't quite sure what that meant and to be honest I was a little concerned. I had you show me what coupling was and you acted as though you were tying up your brother so I guess that's okay. Canyon!!!! You are a product of your father!!! You are awake and in my face EVERY SINGLE MORNING at around 6:30AM! Please stop!!! Maybe daddy loves to be up with the roosters, but mommy DOES NOT!!! You storm into my room, no regard for the fact that I may have just arrived home from work an hour before and beg me to get up! "It's a beautiful day!" you'll sometimes say as you fling open my curtains. You'll plead at my bedside for breakfast- typically you just ask for cereal. You cry real tears when I'm physically unable to hop out of bed. And though it sometimes breaks my heart- I don't think it will change the fact that I have NO desire to be up at 6:30. I do LOVE you though!!! Just a few nights ago I was kissing you goodnight. I gave you one big kiss followed by a slew of quick little pecks. Suddenly you stopped me, grabbed my face in your hands and said "Oh sweetheart, you're so kissy!" It was pretty much the funniest thing I had ever heard you say and it has now become our regular thing each night! I love it times a million!!

, my sweet boy!!! You, on the other hand, sleep in but that in no way excuses the fact that you awaken multiple times a night! Aaarrrgg! Mommy really needs some uninterrupted sleep boys!! You wake up at least 2-3 times most nights and yell for mommy. You don't usually cry unless it's your legs that are hurting you. Speaking of your legs... we finally got you in to see an orthopedic surgeon about those cute little legs of yours. Yes, you are bow-legged- that was confirmed. No, it is not a problem and he believes they will hopefully straighten out over the next few years. You were so cooperative for your X-ray. You're coordination is definitely starting to improve, but I still think it's so cute how your little foot crosses over the opposite one. Your current "best fuzzy friend" is Papa Smurf. You call him Papa. You carry him everywhere, wrap him in your blanket and you have me tuck him in with you at night- I LOVE it!!! Speaking of your blanket... you let me take it away- Wahoo!!! Kinda. It was actually all Grandma's doing. I took you to the store and told you we were getting you a big boy blankie. You got to choose whatever fabric you wanted. You immediately found the Buzz Lightyear material, but quickly traded it in for a Cars print because it had "Fillmore" on it. Mommy put a little edge on it and gave it to you that first night and you didn't even ask for that stinky little football scrap of a blanket. The next day we were wandering a different store when you discovered a cute little froggy fleece. You said "The froggy is naked" and I decided I HAD to buy it and make you another blankie. The very next day we were at yet another store and sure enough you found a third blankie material you liked. I guess after that 2nd one you thought you'd get a new blankie everyday. Well, this one also had frogs on it and it was the exact same texture as your football blanket so of course I bought some of that too. I'm beginning to think I may have a problem! So far the naked frogs are the blankie of choice. Your nightly singing routine has expanded a little. We begin with the traditional Rock-a-bye Baby, then ABCs, followed by Beiber's Baby Baby. Now we've added Jai Ho and conclude with an exciting Thomas the Train piece. I wonder how long you'll request my nightly concerts?? You happened to find that swatch of football blankie today that mommy apparently didn't hide too well. I'll let you hold onto it for awhile as long as I don't catch you putting in your mouth- man did it get stinky!!

I guess that's about it for now. We had fun with grandma, Kelly, Bryce and Kels. Took multiple rides on the gondola. Went to the Penguin Encounter at the aquarium and had a blast sitting with the penguins at our feet. Ghost Writer was quite the trouble maker!! We got to visit the zoo during Zoorasic Park Days (you two weren't big fans of the animatronic dinos.) Daddy's currently on his annual Myrtle Beach trip and the boys and I are just hanging out.

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