Now, two and a half years and an extra little boy later- I'm going to try again. I'll have to come up with some sort of system. Maybe I can set an alarm to remind me to blog. Maybe I'll just have the drive to do it on my own... probably not- alarm it is! What's a reasonable frequency to commit to? For someone like me... is weekly a little too ambitious? Yep, though I do wish I had that much tenacity. How 'bout trying for monthly just to start- I think that sounds realistic. Monthly it is! Now, let's hurry and get
June out of the way before I give up again.
Our household has become a little busier this year. Actually, it seems to be a lot busier. With Rob's new business, Uncle Wesley living with us since the New Year- fun fun, but I'm sick of cleaning up a 4th little boy's mess in the bathroom, a very busy 3 year old and a very attached 2 year old- you could say my days have become a little more... "lively" than I had previously hoped for. Yes, lively is a good way of putting it. I mop at least twice a week, which you'd think would be plenty, but noooooo- not even close. And while I have always been clean- being married to an OCD personality has made me a little ca-razy! I can't stand going to bed with dishes in the sink, toys on the floor or anything out of place. I swear, the crumbs would find their way onto the floor if the home was empty for a week- I'm sure of it! Where do they all come from? Would it be weird to place a drop cloth under my boys (Uncle Wes most of all) while their eating? I'm seriously considering it!! Wes isn't even allowed to use glass cups in our house for fear he'll drop one... again.
Canyon! Oh Canyon! My little man! You're just barely 3 and a half and not a day goes by where you don't send me to my knees laughing at some of the things that pop out of your mouth. When you've decided you've had enough of something, like veggies, or milk or water or whatever happens to be in front of you- you'll tell me "Mommy, I think I've had enough "salad" for one day." Or if you want some sort of treat mommy won't give you you'll say "Mommy, Dr. Hurley (your pediatrician) says it's okay to have 1 marshmallow today." I think Uncle Wesley heard you
say the "d" word a couple months ago (thanks Daddy) and when he asked you what you said you wouldn't tell him, so he convinced you that you had said "crammit" which has now become our swear word of choice. It's so cute when something makes you mad and you say "Crammit!" Though I'm sure it's in poor taste to encourage you to say anything resembling a bad word- I just love it! Just a few months ago when you'd get mad about something you'd get a little scowl on your face, cross your arms tightly across your chest and grumble "I'm mad!" you did that for about a year and then it just suddenly stopped:( I miss it! You occasionally do your whole Buzz Lightyear angry speech, which I still crack up at. You'll yell something about "spaceman... eyeballs... sockets!" I LOVE it!! You ask pretty much every person you see in public what their name is and when they respond by asking you what your name is you state "I'm Tanyon Corcoran." Why you
can you pronounce the "C" in your last name clear as day, but not in your first name is beyond me. We're working on it, but I'm in no hurry to correct you. You're so smart! If you see a car with the same make/model as a car of ours you tell us! You can point out pretty much everyone's car you know when we're out and about. Mommy can't even do that half the time! And your "bi-jraff" blanket! It's our favorite word of yours! I hope you always call it your "bi-jraff" blanket!!
Canyon! Oh Canyon! My little man! You're just barely 3 and a half and not a day goes by where you don't send me to my knees laughing at some of the things that pop out of your mouth. When you've decided you've had enough of something, like veggies, or milk or water or whatever happens to be in front of you- you'll tell me "Mommy, I think I've had enough "salad" for one day." Or if you want some sort of treat mommy won't give you you'll say "Mommy, Dr. Hurley (your pediatrician) says it's okay to have 1 marshmallow today." I think Uncle Wesley heard you
Crue-cumber! My sweet little baby. Lately, everything is "Why not?" and "Ohhh" and "Golf cart" and "I go daddy's office" and "Wipe my nose" and "Wipe my hands" (Canyon didn't like to be dirty either, but you're taking things to a WHOLE new level) and "Hold me." Every word out of your mouth is adorable. You can't help it- you're just so cute! You cannot live without your football blanket! At one point mommy had two of them, but while we were shopping at Christmas time we lost one- tragic! -And I'm not being the least bit sarcastic! What was I going to do without a spare in case of emergencies?! I searched far and wide! Every fabric store, online, called the mall multiple times to see if it had been recovered... everything! The fabric was no longer available and so... we cut up the one we had. First in two- you were NOT happy with me, but you survived. Then we cut those pieces in half too- at this point you had gotten used to disappointment in your life and didn't even shed a tear- how sad that I broke you so early;) Now we've lost one of the four and have three scraps of football fuzzy fleece floating around the house. If I can't find one- all I need to do is look in your green garbage truck where you usually stash it. Thank goodness you're consistent!! The multiple pieces seem to be working out well and I'm not looking forward to taking the blanket away all together in the future. I wonder if there is some sort of 12 step program for doing that... hmmm. To the internet!! You change your clothes 3-5 times a day- it was adorable the first couple days, now it's
just maddening. It would be one thing if you just liked to change things up once in a while, but you insist on pulling everything out of drawers and off hangers when you really only like wearing the same stuff over and over and over. You LOVE your Pablo shirt, you're obsessed with your Dinosaur shirt (which is way TOO small) and you love wearing your airplane hoodie. The other night you were throwing a tantrum (the 2's have definitely kicked in) and when I told you your hoodie was in the wash you marched right upstairs and screamed in the laundry room until I came in, took the wet thing out of the washer and put it on you. You wore it without complaint for probably 20 minutes or so and then decided to move on to your dinosaur shirt. A couple months ago while we were Aunt Kelly's- Otzi nipped at you and now every time you see a doggie you ask "Bite me?" and when I tell you "No sweetie, it won't bite you" you respond "Lick me?" to which I just say "Yes." That quick little exchange between you and I has not transitioned to every time you put on your dinosaur shirt on:) You'll look down at the little T-Rex and ask "Mommy, bite me?" and it goes on--- ADORABLE! Your current favorite is having mommy or daddy sing Rock-a-bye-baby- or in your words "Rockababy." We usually have to sing it over and over and you LOVE being held like a baby. After we're done you request ABC's and then you're content. It's so fun having a 2 year old. You say the cutest things and are the sweetest little man! You sit on mommy's lap and pretend to pick the "bumpies" off my neck and throw them- is that your way of telling me I should probably go see a dermatologist?? You're probably right:)
We love you both so much and know that we are the luckiest Mommy and Daddy to have you two! Help mommy remember to blog again next month! Can-can, you never forget anything so I'm holding you responsible;)
We love you both so much and know that we are the luckiest Mommy and Daddy to have you two! Help mommy remember to blog again next month! Can-can, you never forget anything so I'm holding you responsible;)
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